How to Disable and Enable Spell Check and Autocorrect in Windows Notepad

Microsoft has recently added Spell Check and Autocorrect features to Windows’ default Notepad text editor. The new feature is automatically enabled in the updated Notepad. If you don’t want Spell Check to check your spelling and underline the mistaken words and if you don’t want Autocorrect to automatically correct the mistakes as you are typing, you can disable them.

Here’s a simple tip on how to turn them off or on.

  • Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Notepad to open its settings.

Disable or Enable Spell Check and Autocorrect - Notepad

  • On the bottom of the Settings screen, in the Spelling section, there are Spell Check and Autocorrect toggle switches. Turn them off.
  • You can reactivate them but toggling the same switches on.

Disable or Enable Spell Check and Autocorrect in Windows Notepad

As a side note, if you turn the Spell Check option off and keep Autocorrect on, auto corrections won’t work, since they require Spell Check to be turned on.

In addition, if you keep the Spell Check option enabled, you can disable only select file types you don’t want to be checked for spelling errors when opened in Notepad. To do that, click on the arrow-down icon on the ring side of the Spell Check option and enable or disable the desired file types, such as .txt.

Spell Check txt and Other File Types

That’s it.




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